OpenDaylight Installation and Integration to Mininet emulator


Hi guys,

On the previous article i was writing about SDN Concept using Mininet emulator, now we will explore  about OpenDaylight Platform, wait…what is that?? OpenDaylight Platform previously  named OpenDaylight Controller, so basicly OpenDaylight is open source SDN controller hosted by linux foundation.

The OpenDaylight Controller exposes open northbound APIs, which are used by applications. These applications use the Controller to collect information about the network, run algorithms to conduct analytics, and then use the OpenDaylight Controller to create new rules throughout the network. (Source :

for the southbound communication OpenDaylight includes support for the OpenFlow protocol, but can also support other open SDN standards (Remember 3 Layer architecture Of SDN concept)

okay, the main point of this article i will try to install OpenDaylight Platform as SDN controller to my mininet emulator which I have installed before (you can read how to installed mininet on the previous article)

as usuall i will installed OpenDaylight on my ubuntu 14.04  AMD64 with minimum specification, because this is for testing purposes

a. Specification Requirement:

CPU : 2 Core

RAM : 4 GB

DISK : 40 GB

b. Software Requirement :

Latest Java  (Ver 7 – 8)  because OpenDaylight Platform writing used JAVA Programming language)


OpenDaylight Package

c. Installation Step :

1. Update Repository and Install JAVA 8:

#sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java -y
#sudo apt-get update
#sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer

2. Download Maven package and  Configure to the system

Downoad pakage maven used command


create folder “apache-maven” on directory /usr/local

#mkdir -p /usr/local/apache-maven/

move package maven to folder directory apache-maven

#mv apache-maven-3.3.3-bin.tar.gz /usr/local/apache-maven/

extract package maven with command :

#tar -xzvf /usr/local/apache-maven/apache-maven-3.3.3-bin.tar.gz -C /usr/local/apache-maven/

Configure maven
# sudo update-alternatives –install /usr/bin/mvn mvn /usr/local/apache-maven/apache-maven-3.3.3/bin/mvn 1
# sudo update-alternatives –config mvn

3. Configures ~/.Bashrc  to update path of your JAVA home Directory and Maven Directory

# sudo apt-get install vim
# vim ~/.bashrc

Add this on the end of line

export M2_HOME=/usr/local/apache-maven/apache-maven-3.3.3
export MAVEN_OPTS=”-Xms256m -Xmx512m”
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle

used config ~/.bashrc to your system

#source ~/.bashrc

4. and check your Java Home Directory with command

#echo $JAVA_HOME

5. Next we will download OpenDaylight Package from their website, i choose new update ODL “Carbon SR1” on “July 14, 2017”


before we start OpenDaylight Controlelr, if you already have openvswitch on your system, stop the service with comamnd

#service openvswitch-controller stop

#service openvswitch-switch stop

6. Next step we will start OpenDaylight Controller, first unzip OpenDaylight package we have downloaded


7. Run OpenDaylight with command

#cd /distribution-karaf-0.6.1-Carbon/bin



on this step, we have success running OpenDaylight SDN controller on our linux system, next from the OpenDaylight comamnd line we will install odl-l2switch and OpenDaylight User Experience (DLUX) application.  DLUX is an openflow network management application for Opendaylight controller. this installation feature to add web interface on OpenDaylight Platform, can login to web interface and control Southbound connections to OVS (Open Virtual Switch) with OVSDB to learn MAC address from host connected to the switch

8. Install feature needed by opendaylight

opendaylight-user@root>feature:install odl-l2switch-switch-ui




9. after add all feature needed  by OpenDaylight (ODL) , you can check port listening of your ODL system with command :

#netstat -an | grep tcp

make sure you can see port TCP:8181 as port service to access web interface OpenDaylight, TCP:6633 and TCP:6653 (Port Service Communication for OpenFlow)

 d. Access OpenDaylight Platform

To Access OpenDaylight Platform as SDN Controller type on your URL browser

<IP address OpenDaylight>:8181/index.html

ex : (dont forget type till the path index.html)


login to the OpenDaylight controll used default cridential

user : admin

pass : admin

and you will be shown main page of OpenDaylight controller like on the picture below

Default mainweb page

e. Integrate OpenDaylight to Mininet as SDN Controller

at this stage we have success to run OpenDaylight Platform and access OpenDayligt website interface (DLUX), next step we will integrate our Mininet SDN emulator to OpenDaylight Platform as SDN Controller through Simple topology

  Login to your mininet Virtual Machine, and create simple topology used mininet emulator with  OpenDaylight Platform as Remote Controller SDN with command

root@mininet#sudo mn –topo tree,2 –controller remote,ip=

Note : is IP address OpenDaylight Platform

from command above, mininet will create 3 OpenVSwitch, 4 host and 1 Remote Controller. after execute that command, we can back to web interface opendaylight to see topology information from mininet. click 3 Bar near logout button on top right corner and choose topology like example picture below

yang man

and we can see topology on mininet configuration from command execution before


from execution command before, we know mininet will created 3 OVS and 4 host on network emulator, but on topology OpenDaylight controller, we just see 3 OVS and can not find 4 host connected to OVS, this happen because OVS need obtaining the MAC address to identifying host conencted to they interface. So from mininet command line interface do Ping to all host on mininet topology with command


back to topology OpenDaylight and click reload button to refresh topology information , now we can see on OpenDaylight Topology there 4 hosts connected to OpenVSwitch like on the picture below

Host conencted

That’s all i can share to you on this article, hope this informative for you and thank you








Learning SDN (Software Defined Networking) Concept with Mininet


Whats is SDN (Software Defined Networking)? well, thats question will create many opinion and statement from many vendor, website, consultant and other organization, from website i quote “Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is an emerging architecture that is dynamic, manageable, cost-effective, and adaptable, making it ideal for the high-bandwidth, dynamic nature of today’s applications. This architecture decouples the network control and forwarding functions, enabling the network control to become directly programmable and the underlying infrastructure to be abstracted for applications and network services. The OpenFlow® protocol is a foundational element for building SDN solutions.”

Whats is the goal of SDN? from I was quote “The goal of  Software Defined Networking is to enable cloud and network engineers and administrators to respond quickly to changing business requirements via a centralized control console”

From my own opinion, SDN is a way how we (Network Admin or Engineer) facing the speed of bussines development especially in digital bussines that used software application or software service as a core bussines to their customer or marketplace, this bussines model usually have rapid growing bussines, dynamic, and need fast improvement with new innovation to their product, because on this digital era this model business it’s so promises, and the competition its very tight, software was developed everyday, every device connected to the internet, innovation was come and produce as a software product to solve human problem, make bussines requirement growing fast and pushing traditional networks to the limit ,in addition how we manage network look so slow.

SDN Benefit??

  • Directly Prorgrammable : enables the network to be programmatically configured by proprietary or open source automation tools, including OpenStack, Puppet, Ansible, Python Script and  Chef (yes all about automation and agile)
  • Reduce Opex : yes, because with directly programmable, we can automate provisioning, configuration, and orchrestation
  • Agility : Sure, Abstracting control from forwarding lets administrators dynamically adjust network-wide traffic flow to meet changing needs, (we can totally control the flow)
  • Centrally managed : its make we easier to management our network infrastructure then we must remote node by node and do manual config

SDN Architecture??


Like on the picture above, Commonly SDN Architecture have 3 Layer:

1. Application Layer

On this layer there Northbound APIs: Software-Defined Networking uses northbound APIs to communicates with the applications and business logic “above.” These help network administrators to programmatically shape traffic and deploy services.

On the application layer, it can be orchestrator system infrastructure ,automation tools, Or Python Script

 2. Controll Layer

This layer is “brains” of the network, SDN Controllers offer a centralized view of the overall network, and enable network administrators to dictate to the underlying systems (like switches and routers) how the forwarding plane should handle network traffic.

 3. Infrastructure Layer

on infrastructure layer there Southbound APIs: Software-defined networking uses southbound APIs to relay information to the switches and routers “below.” OpenFlow, considered the first standard in SDN, was the original southbound API and remains as one of the most common protocols.

On this article we will do some lab environment to know more aboute concept of Software defined network used “Mininet”, what is mininet?? Mininet is a network emulator which creates a network of virtual hosts, switches, controllers, and links. Mininet hosts run standard Linux network software, and its switches support OpenFlow for highly flexible custom routing and Software-Defined Networking. To know more information you can visit their website on

On this experiment I installed mininet on my linux Ubuntu 14.04 64 Bit, this installation is quietly easy, I used 2 Core, 40 Gb disk and 4 Gb RAM on my Virtualization. Actually you can just download the virtual edition on their website

but sometimes too easy make you lazy (lol) so I choose installed the mininet manually to my linux Ubuntu system

How to install Mininet??

To Install mininet on your linux system used command:

#sudo apt-get update

# sudo apt-get install mininet


Do clean instalation of mininet with command

# sudo mn -c

Install Git to download mininet from Git source code management

# sudo apt-get install git

Download Mininet Dependency from git Source code management

#git clone git://

clone Mininet

mininet package

Change to directory mininet

#cd mininet

Tag release point of mininet with command

#git tag

git tag

choose package release you want to install, i choose latest release

#git checkout -b cs244-spring-2012-final

install mininet

#/mininet/util/ –a

Install mininet

installation may take a few minutes, because they will donwload all dependency package from internet repository, and when it done ,will show like on the picture below

mininet installed done

Well done, you success install the mininet to your system, easy right,,so dont be lazy la… 😛

Now run the mininet emulator with command

#sudo mn

start mininet

when we start mininet emulator automaticly mininet will give you a topology with 2 Host, one SDN controller, and one OpenvSwitch, then we will see the mininet command line “mininet>”  act like terminal on SDN controller to show and configure all of node in the mininet topology, to know basic command on mininet terminal we can do help comamnd “mininet>help”

mininet console help

because this is command line base, maybe its hard to we understand how our topology looks like, so we can used some command to figure out mininet topology and understand how they connected

To see topology connection used command


To see Node available on topology used command


To see links available to interconnect all nodes on topology mininet used command


To test ping host on default mininet topology you can used command


ping all

or to be specific

mininet>h1 ping h2

test Ping sample

to create topology network on mininet used template you cand used command

local controller : #sudo mn –topo tree,2

remote controller : #sudo mn –topo tree,2 –controller remote,ip=<ip remote controller>

create topo

it will automaticly give you a topology network with all link, switch, nodes, and SDN controller

actually you dont worry about this command line interface, maybe you have phobia with command line interface and totally not prever used command line interface to see link connection or your topology network, mininet can integrated with other platform like OpenDaylight to act as remote controller SDN and as web base graphical interface to generate your topologi SDN network into topologi network picture, but actually mininet self have “miniedit”, thats tools will help you to design your network topologi based on topologi network picture, to open miniedit you can used comamnd


and you will shown GUI to design your topologi network like on the picture below


to design your topologi, its pretty simple, you just click  component available on the left corner such Switch, Router, Controller, Link, host and click it to white  page, then i try to create simple design of my network topology like on the picture below

Miniedit topt

you can save your topology into mininet file with format “.mn” or generate that topology into python script through menu file –> l2 Script

next, how we can start it, and how we controll and configuration our node on thats topologi, well like i said to you before mininet used “mininet terminal” to do configuration on all nodes on topology, to show configuration, and do test connection of all node, to start mininet command line after we used miniedit, first we go to menu edit –> preferences, and do enable checklist on checkbox “Start CLI” like on the picture below

preferencess start cli

click OK and click Run button to start your emolator, then go to your terminal linux where you start miniedit, and you will see mininet terminal was available to you do some configuration on your node in the topology network

miniedit cli

because this is simple topology and all network connected through L2, network on both of host is one segment and we have attached controller to both of OpenvSwitch, we will able do ping h1 to h2 with command “pingall” or “h1 ping h2”

Testping topo miniedit

Note : one thing was i get from this miniedit example is, when i created a network topology, example like on the topology miniedit before with 2 switch, two host with same connection network, but without controller connected to both of switch, i cant do test connection ping h1 to h2 and vise versa, either when i changed used one switch and 2 of host connected on one switch, the result of ping test on h1 to h2 is always timeout, then i realize, well, this is the SDN Concept, on legacy network it should be work, but in the SDN environment, even its was a switch, h1 that couldn’t be connect to h2 through a L2 device when that device not connected to the controller

Next, we will do what SDN should be can do, what is that?? yes, we will do some automation on our SDN environment, we will do direct programming to the controller through their API from application layer then controller will generate the configuration and pushed that configuration through OpenFlow to  Infrastrcuture Layer, and on this test i will used python script on application layer to defined my network infrastructure

Lets create script used Python ptogramming, why python? because its simple, its multiplatform, its powerfull to do that, and why u ask? find by tourself, learn, because this program language will be popular to automate your infrastructure (Infrastructure as Code) yo know (lol)

Create Code with Vim editor






from code above i will create simple network case inter-VLAN with topology like on the picture below


save that python script and change code file to execute permission with command

#chmod 777

and execute code program python to defined your network infrastructure with command


Python sample

well, with execute that python code program, we have create Inter-VLAN network infrastructure with one router, one switch, 2 VLAN, and 2 Host, thats pretty simple right?

yeah its will help us, it will simplify your work, make your network more agile, efficient, and its technology pretty good enough. so next we will check  node connection from network environment we just created used python script

check nodes we created

nodes sample

check the network connection topology

net sample

Check the network interface address of host “h1”

h1 if

host “h1” gateway

h1 route

Check the network interface address of host “h2”

h2 if

host “h2” gateway

h2 route

Check Interface “h3” Switch

h3 if1

h3 if 2

check VLAN of “h3″switch used command

mininet>h3 brctl show

Check “h4” router interface

h4 if

And the last thing, lets we do test ping connection from host “h1” to host “h2” through inter-VLAN network

from host “h1” to host “h2”

test Ping sample

from host “h2” to host “h1”

h2 ping h2

Well, done….hope this article can help you and thanks for read my article






Ntopng for flow collector and traffic analysis


Hi , on this article i will explore about traffic analysis and flow collector, this is so important i think because on this cultulre of technology right now, visibility of your traffic network its very important, because from that visibility we can analysis performance of your network and status flow of your application, with SNMP we can know how performance throughput from each interface network device on your network infrastructure, with flow collector we will know what exactly flow packet traverse through of our network  interface device .

one of flow collector free to capture flow packet on your network infrastructure is “ntop/ntopng” this application can capture flow packet on your network device used two industry standard for flow-based traffic Monitoring “NetFlow” by Cisco and ” Open standard “sFlow”, thats what i know. okay without too much explanation where you can visit their website by yourself lets we installed ntop/ntopng on my linux server and try to capture flow packet from cisco network device for example

a. Install ntopng

Requirement :

  • I used Ubuntu 14.04 64 Bit
  • RAM 2 Gb
  • 1 Core (VM)
  • Disk 30Gb

Step to installation :

  1. Get repository ntop debian package


2. install debian repository to ubuntu system

#dpkg -i apt-ntop-stable.deb

3. Do clean installation

#apt-get clean all

4. do update repository to get any dependency ntop-ng package installation

#apt-get update

5. Install package ntopng with command

#apt-get -y install pfring nprobe ntopng ntopng-data n2disk nbox

After Installation :

1. After installation done create configuration ntopng with command

#vim /etc/ntopng/ntopng.conf

2. And write line configuration like on the example below, then save


3. Create empty file to auto start NTOP :

# touch /etc/ntopng/ntopng.start

# ntopng start

4. Start service ntop-ng services with command :

# service ntopng start

5. Check status service (Ntop used Port 3000)

Service Port UP

6. Access with web browser to IP address server ntop used port 3000

http://<IP Ntopng>:3000

7. login with default user and password

user : admin

pass: admin


change the default password


and the picture below is dashboard admin page ntopng flow collector


At the first time we already can see flow traffic on local network, its that segment local network ntopng server in this example network segment ntopng flow collector  is  IP address ntop-ng server is with gateway is

If we are want to see active flow on all address (local and remote) you can choose menu bar Flows, like example picture below


on example picture above ntopng can see local network flow packet, the mostly is http packet to port 3000, its that packet flow from my computer to access ntopng with protocol http used port 3000, next i will create simple network topology there is a one sample server attached to router device, on that scenario i will capture flow packet through interface router direct attached to the server and see on ntopng, flow packet ingress and egress to that server through router interface

example topology :


on this lab, i used GNS3 network simulator integrate to my vmware workstation and used one cisco router with l2 capability, on this scenario ID ubuntu64-bit-1 is the host running ntopng flow collector, host Ubuntu14-1 is the sample server running some service and as target server we will monitor using ntopng, target server network segment is, IP Target server is R1 is network device router that will activate Netflow on the interface attached to target server and send the flow capture to ntopng.

1. Configure and activate Netflow protocol on cisco router to interface direct attached to target server


config#ip flow-cache timeout active 1

config#ip flow-export source FastEthernet0/1<Interface you want to eneble capture>

config#ip flow-export version 9

config#ip flow-export <destination your-ntopng ip-address> 2055

configure On the interface you want enable flow capturing so as to send it to ntopng. This example illustrate using fastEthernet0/1

config# interface FastEthernet0/1

config-if# ip flow ingress

config-if# ip flow egress


next we will test send some packet to server target (ubuntu14-1) to capture flow packet to that server and get the visibility on ntop-ng, we will send packet flow from ntop-ng server Ubuntu64 to target server Ubuntu14 used three type connection : ICMP, SSH, and HTTP



Then we back to window ntop-ng and choose menu hosts to see IP address of target server is have flow connection or not, and like on the picture below ntop-ng was discover IP target server is already have 3 flow connection,


to see detailed flow connection click the IP address of target server “”


If we choose manu bar Traffic, we can see live flow traffic protocol to the target server , like on the picture below target server accept connection ICMP and TCP


If we want to know presentage protocol flow on target server we can choose menu Protocols


If we want to know detail flow of packet to target server we can choose menu “Flows”


Thats all a little information i can share to you, hope this article usefull and thank you for Visit my Blog